Making a Difference
Heroes Brewing Company was founded to honor the unsung heroes around us all. Today more than ever our message celebrates every front-line worker, every grocery store/drug store employee, every nurse, doctor, every restaurant/brewery employee, police, fire, EMT and so many more. For every beer we make, we partner with a local non-profit or charity, and $1 per 4 pack that we sell goes to them. Since we opened in December of 2020, we’ve partnered with over 70 different organizations and made donations from the sale of more than 34,000 cans of beer. Please join us in supporting all of those who support all of us.
Heroes Don’t Look Like They Used To…They Look Like You Do!
Learn About Some of the Charities We Partner With
Local Food Banks
The Beer: Community
Community is brewed in support of local area food banks. Food banks serve a vital need in our community, and that need has never been more pronounced. 1 in 8 people in the US is hungry and that includes our neighbors where we live, work, and play. With your purchase of this beer you’re joining the Heroes community as we apply a portion of this purchase to support as many food banks in our area as possible.
Gigi’s Playhouse
The Beer: Gigi’s Coconut Porter
GiGi’s Playhouse Rochester empowers those with Down syndrome and their families to reach their highest potential. Their custom, research-based curriculum works towards advancing literacy, math skills, gross and fine motor skills, improving low muscle tone, building self-esteem, preparing for the workforce and more while fostering acceptance, awareness and networking resources for parents, siblings and the community. All programs are FREE of charge. We are honored to dedicate a portion of the proceeds from your purchase of this beer to help GiGi’s execute their mission. #Heroesnation
NYK Junior Chef Initiative
The Beer: Chef’s Table
New York Kitchen offers an array of inviting experiences which proudly highlight and promote the quality, diversity, and economic impact of food and beverages that originate in New York State. At the heart of New York Kitchen’s educational mission is its Junior Chef Initiative. These camps and workshops strive to empower today’s youth through local food and fun in the kitchen. Through partnerships with local after school programs that provide a path for kids and young adults to reach their full potential, New York Kitchen offers week-long hands-on cooking camps to participating students, free of charge.
Center for Youth
The Beer: Change Makers
The Center for Youth Associate Board is the premier youth organization in the area, serving Rochester’s youth in a variety of ways. From crisis nurseries, and safe houses for LGBTQ youth, to in-school and community programming, the Center strives to partner with youth to realize their full potential. By creating opportunities, removing barriers, and promoting social justice, they strive for a community where all youth grow and thrive. Started by kids, for kids - they offer services rooted in a culture of belonging, growth, and understanding to ensure youth voices will always be heard and respected. We are proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this can to this tremendous organization.
To learn more, please visit centerforyouth.net or visit them on Facebook and instagram @centerforyouth.
New 2 U Rescue
The Beer: Adopt
Pets have a way of putting a smile on our faces and a spring in our step. In addition to giving unconditional love, research confirms that pets provide us with psychological, emotional, and physical benefits. Simply put, pets aren’t just good friends; they’re also good medicine and can improve a person’s well-being in many ways.
Welcoming a pet into your family is a big decision, but chances are your life will be better with the companionship of your new best friend. When you adopt a pet, you send a message to others who will be asking you for years where you obtained your adorable pet. New 2 U Rescue is a team of volunteers in Rochester, NY rescuing animals in need of loving homes. We are proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this can to support this tremendous organization
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester
The Beer: Ignite
Can you think of someone in your life that was a mentor? Influenced you in a positive way? Helped you navigate life’s obstacles? Always was in your corner? Big Brothers Big Sisters takes pride on making those connections for the Littles and Bigs. Their mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth and set them in motion towards their future.
We are proud to donate a portion of the sales of this can to Big Brothers Big Sisters to help support their continued good work.
RockStar Academy Music Scholarship Fund
People love the sound of music when played on a vinyl record. Music is such a huge part of our lives. The vinyl record once thought to be obsolete, has roared back to be wildly popular again. Now more than ever the record player has become a place for family and friends to gather, discuss, and enjoy music of all styles. Since 1975, the Record Archive has been where discophiles would go to find that cherished next record.
We are proud to partner with them to donate to a music scholarship at RockStar Academy so that future musicians can have a chance to have their music recorded on vinyl.
Mothers Out Front NY Chapter
The Beer: Earth Day
In 1970, 20 million individuals — at the time, 10% of the U.S. population — mobilized to call for greater protections for our planet. This became the world’s first Earth Day. In the 50 years since, citizens of the world continue to rise up in a united call for the creativity, innovation, ambition, and bravery that we need to meet our climate crisis and seize the enormous opportunities of a zero-carbon future.
We are proud to donate a portion of the proceeds of this can to Mother’s Out Front NY Chapter to help support the causes that impact our earth and shape the future of New York State. #Heroesnation
Dream Factory of Rochester
The Beer: Dream Factory
If you could have anything, go anywhere, meet anyone, do anything, what would it be? The Dream Factory asks these questions to children, ages 3 through 18, who have been diagnosed with critical OR chronic illnesses. Dream Factory volunteers work with local children whose lives revolve around medication, doctors, and hospitals and they make their dreams come true. Vacations, computers, pools, room makeovers, shopping sprees, meetings with celebrities, these are just a few of the dreams the Rochester chapter has fulfilled in the past 20+ years. Purchasing this beer means more seriously ill children, in our community, discover that dreams can come true!
Hoby NY West
The Beer: Duality
Best friends of different races, Ben and Marcus set up in their driveway hoping people would stop by in an effort to build community and understanding following the death of George Floyd. Their efforts inspired people across the country to listen and learn.
To honor their movement & keep the conversation going, we are donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this can to HOBY NY WEST, our local chapter of one of America’s foremost youth leadership organizations.
For more than five decades, HOBY has inspired young people to make a difference and become catalysts for positive change in their home, school, workplace, and community through their core values of volunteerism, integrity, excellence, diversity and community partnership.
Marvelous Mind Academy
The Beer: Marvelous Minds
Moms do everything, right?! During this pandemic, moms are getting buried in their to-do lists. There’s an organization here in Rochester, NY doing something about that. Marvelous Mind Academy is an educational cooperative that creates engaging experiences for young learners. Among its many services, Marvelous Mind Academy provides excellent childcare services and has earned praise for its consistent high levels of parent satisfaction. Programs like Bridge Care or Pop-Up Daycare remove barriers for parent participation at work and in the community. Their philosophy is straight forward, “At Marvelous Mind Academy, we believe our greatest responsibility is to the future – it is our mission to leave the world better than we found it.”
Rochester Education Foundation
The Beer: Arts for All
Rochester is well known for having a deep seated Arts history. The Arts for All Scholarship Fund is a part of the Rochester Education Foundation’s Spring for Music and Art Opportunities program. This program supports students participation in supplemental summer music, art and dance lessons through professional community based organizations. The Arts for All Scholarship Fund has always been a boots on the ground initiative led by RCSD arts teachers to host events and share their talents while raising money to further the talents and love of arts in their students.
Advent House
The Beer: Cookie’s West Coast IPA
Every so often we meet someone that has a spirit that tugs at something in you. A spirit that wills us forward when you feel you can’t go another step. The red hats, the glowing smile, the boundless energy, the free spirit. They become the love of their soulmate’s life. Sadly, they sometimes leave us all too soon. That was Cookie. Those that knew her will understand. Those who didn’t have missed the chance to hitch a ride on a shining star. She delighted in the wonder of life itself and her compassion for those in the twilight of their lives will live forever. We are honored to dedicate a portion of the proceeds of this beer to Advent House in Fairport, NY to keep Cookie’s legacy alive.
One Soldier at a Time
The Beer: Oscar Sierra Tango
One Soldier at a Time is an organization that serves a vital role in supporting families of active duty soldiers and veterans by standing in the gap left after deployments or when active duty service ends. Deployments impact the entire family, not just the soldier themselves. The spouses, the children, the parents, the siblings are often the unsung, forgotten or hidden heroes of our community. A portion of the proceeds from this beer will help ensure that these families continue to feel the love and support they deserve while their loved ones serve our country.
R Community Bikes
The Beer: Spokes N’ Wheels
Spokes N’ Wheels is created to support R Community Bikes, a grassroots organization, staffed entirely by volunteers, that collects and repairs used bicycles. These are then distributed, free of charge, to the Rochester, NY area’s most needy children and adults. Since 2008 they have given away more than 28,500 bicycles. We are proud to donate a portion of the proceeds of the sale of this can to support this amazing organization.
Homesteads for Hope
The Beer: Forever 55
Homesteads for Hope is nature’s classroom tucked away on a historic 55-acre farm nestled on the wide waters of the Erie Canal. This Farm currently exists to serve young adults of all abilities with a sustainable and inclusive place to learn, work, live and grow. Everyone, regardless of ability has a unique talent to share in this world, and Homesteads for Hope provides people a place to belong. We are very excited to support this type of initiative and help them build on their vision for the future.
Lollypop Farm
The Beer: Walter’s Warriors
Together with our community, Lollypop Farm betters the lives of animals through justice, prevention, and life-saving care. Their mission of a just and compassionate world for all animals. Walter is one of those special animals. Walter suffered from multiple issues upon arriving at Lollypop and the amazing clinical team helped Walter to become a regular visitor for the summer campers and a true Ambassador for the shelter. Now you, as one of Walter's Warriors, continue to support the efforts of the entire Lollypop staff by purchasing this product.
Be UninTIMidated
The Beer: UninTIMidated
What started with a rare cancer diagnosis, turned into a courageous fight and ultimately a crusade to help others. Tim Wesley was a man who refused to let cancer win. With the love of his life by his side they turned an initial grim diagnosis into several more years of life and memories and a mission to help others.
Early in their fight they started beuninTIMidated.org, with a purpose to help educate, advocate for, and financially help those with cancer with travel expenses as they seek medical opinions and treatment. We are proud to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of this can to this vital organization. Rest in Peace Tim. Your legacy and fight will live on. We got this.
Gates Police Keystone Club
The Beer: Pipes & Drums
Pipes & Drums Band was founded in 1998 through the Gates Police Keystone Club to fill a void in upstate NY. The band travels throughout the area performing at line of duty funerals and other special events to honor public safety and military personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this can will be donated to this incredible organization so that they can continue their work of honoring those that have sacrificed so much for our community.
The Beer: Oak Valley Rose
Brain Cancer is a horrible cancer that affects people young and old. Emily, my mother, was one of those people. At the age of 60 a brain tumor was discovered in the summer of 1984 after a period of unexplainable symptoms. Radiation was the most common treatment at that time and unfortunately, it made the tumor grow. After 2 surgeries and 6 short months, Mom lost her battle.
Mom was the type of person everyone loved. She was a caring, compassionate person, who was always putting others first. She was a good friend, bringing food when someone was sick, gifts when new babies were born and more.
Emily loved her children and would do anything for her grandchildren. As often as she could, she’d walk them, hand in hand to her job just so they could get cheese puffs and soda, and run and play. They were her “little angels”.
A portion of the proceeds go to StacheStrong, a 501(c)3 Not-for-Profit charity devoted to raising funds and awareness for brain cancer research to help save more lives than we lose now.
I miss you mom. Everyday.